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  • bellaabode

Top tips for home schooling

  1. Keep a routine – refer to the school schedule. I find this makes the day flow better and keeps the kids from getting too tired.

  2. Have regular breaks – try to keep the breaks at the same time they would have them at school, including lunch and recess. Don’t forget crunch and sip.

  3. Prepare lunches early - make their lunch up as you would for a regular school day. That way they won’t waste time going to the snack drawer every five minutes.

  4. Outdoor play – make sure they get outside (weather permitting) and run around. This will help burn off the excess energy and give them some fresh air. It will also give them some much needed screen-free time.

  5. Have fun – take a deep breath and remember to also have some fun. I love hearing the creative and funny things my darlings come up with.

  6. Wear school uniform – I find the kids are more in line with school mentality when they are in their school uniform.

  7. Connect with friends – Zoom sessions are great way to keep in contact with their school friends if they can’t see them in person. Get the kids to write a list of things they want to talk to their friends about.

  8. Organised workspace - make sure they have a clear and organised workspace to do their work with as few distractions as possible.

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